The New Orleans Bee/ L’Abeille de la Nouvelle-Orléans was a French language newspaper published in New Orleans beginning on September 1, 1827. An English section was added three months later. The newspaper continued as a dual language publication until 1872 when the English portion was dropped and once again it became French only. Briefly [1829-1830] there was also a Spanish language section. The New Orleans Bee was originally published three times a week, but became a daily after a few years. Publication ceased in 1925.

Issues of The New Orleans Bee from September 1827 to December 1923 are accessible here.

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All of the issues of The New Orleans Bee to which you have access here are listed in chronological order. You can navigate to an issue using a step by step approach.

How to navigate the New Orleans Bee archives

To locate a specific date in The New Orleans Bee, click on the volume which includes that date. 

For example: For the March 5th, 1829 issue, click on Vol-003 December 1828-August 1829. Then click on the plus sign at the appropriate month: 03_1829. At this point you must approximate where in the list of files March 5 would fall. 

For example: When you open file 1829_03_0006.pdf , you locate the March 4th issue, then try a few files later, 1829_03_0009.pdf, where you locate the March 5th issue.

Use the magnifying glass symbol on the tool bar to magnify the image.

LSU’s Bee family tree